1.1George Floyd protests, May 26–ongoing
1.2George Floyd Square occupation protest, May 26, 2020–present
1.3Michael Freeman protests, May 27, 2020–late 2020
1.4Police abolition movement, June 6, 2020–November 2, 2021
1.5Christopher Columbus statue toppling, June 10
1.6Minneapolis police union protests, June 12
1.7Juneteenth commemoration, June 19
1.8Calvin Griffith statute removal, June 19
1.9State capitol protest, June 24
1.10Breonna Taylor protests, June 26
1.11Pride parade protests, June 28
1.12Hachalu Hundessa protests, June 30
1.13"Black 4th" rallies, July 4
1.14Philando Castile commemoration, July 6
1.15Calvin Horton Jr. protests, July 21
1.16Powderhorn Park encampment closure, August 14
1.17Sympathy protest for Portland, Oregon, July 23
1.18Bob Kroll residential protest, August 15
1.19Police station vandalized, August 15
1.20Jacob Blake protests, August 24
1.21Riots over false rumors of a police shooting, August 26–28
1.22Wall of Forgotten Natives, September 3
1.23Pretrial hearing for Chauvin, Lane, and Keung, and Thao protests, September 11
1.24Blocking the third precinct, September 16
1.25Derek Chauvin bail protests, October 7
1.26Election night demonstration, November 3
1.27Anti-Trump rally on Interstate 94, November 4
1.28Thanksgiving Day statue vandalism, November 26
1.29Reaction to the killing of Dolal Idd, December 30
1.30New Year’s Eve riot, December 31